Arnaud Leroy, President of ADEME, visiting SAFRA

The President of ADEME, Mr. Arnaud Leroy, as well as the Regional Director of ADEME Occitania, Mr. Michel Peyron, will visit SAFRA on Thursday, March 28, 2019 from 3:30 to 5:00 pm. This visit will be an opportunity for the ADEME representatives to measure the impacts of the various projects on which ADEME is supporting the company around the Businova 1 program. It is also an opportunity to discover the production site located in the ZAC of Fonlabour, which currently employs nearly 220 employees, including 80 jobs directly on the Businova program. 

In 2015, SAFRA launched the “Businova Evolution” project supported technically and financially by ADEME, as part of a Future Investment Project, aiming to develop the different bricks and modules of Businova. This project has just ended on March 20th, and its realization has been decisive in the success of the Businova program. 

ADEME continues to follow the development program until the end of 2019 for the hydrogen version of the Businova, through the IPME (Initiatives Petites et Moyennes Entreprises) funding. 

Finally, SAFRA is following with great interest the news of the ADEME call for projects “hydrogen mobility ecosystems” issued as part of the Hydrogen Deployment Plan for the Energy Transition (announced on June 1, 2018). The results of this call for projects will contribute to the future commercial success of the hydrogen Businova, as many prospects have submitted applications. 

These public policies are completely in line with SAFRA’s development challenges, and are decisive in the various developments in mobility and energy transition. Local elected officials will also be present during this visit, in order to meet with Mr. Leroy.