Our vision, our values

Our vision

At SAFRA, we firmly believe that the future of transportation lies in sustainable, environmentally-friendly solutions.
Our vision is clear and ambitious:

To lead the energy transition through the sustainable decarbonization of mobility.

Leadership and Innovation

For us, being a leader means taking bold initiatives and always being one step ahead of the future needs of the mobility market. We are committed to exploring and adopting less polluting solutions and alternatives, even before they are widely demanded. Innovation is at the heart of our approach: we create environmentally-friendly products that actively contribute to limiting global warming. By anticipating trends and developing cutting-edge technologies, we position SAFRA as a pioneer and influencer in the sustainable transport sector.

Sustainable Transport Decarbonization

Decarbonization is at the heart of our mission. We are dedicated to developing and designing complementary products and services that enable our customers to rapidly decarbonize their fleets. This includes solutions such as hydrogen-powered buses, retrofitting intercity coaches, and extending the life of passenger transport vehicles. Every innovation we introduce is designed not only to reduce CO2 emissions, but also to ensure a long-term, sustainable energy transition.


What makes SAFRA a true “gas pedal” of the energy transition is our ability to offer immediate and effective solutions. For example, our hydrogen retrofit technology enables our customers to start decarbonizing their fleets now, transforming existing vehicles rather than waiting for new solutions that are not yet on the market. This complementarity of products and services enables rapid and effective adoption of decarbonization practices. In this way, we become a gas pedal and facilitator of the energy transition.

By integrating these three pillars into our vision, SAFRA is committed to being both a driver and a catalyst for the decarbonization of transport.

Our values

SAFRA has based its development and strategy on 3 essential principles which constitute its 3 values:

Engagements & valeurs Commitments & values
Integrity and caring

The respect and trust we cultivate within our company inspire our day-to-day ethical and responsible behavior. We promote tolerance, cohesion and benevolence in our management, and above all exemplarity. These values enable us to attract, develop and retain the best talent for our company, to motivate our employees, and to encourage them to give the best of themselves.

Through our various charters and codes, we are committed to protecting our employees, our data and our image, as well as our relations with customers, partners and suppliers, by acting with honesty and integrity.

Developing products and services to accelerate the energy transition is the leitmotiv of our company. We are keen to ensure that our activities have as little impact as possible on our planet. By offering clean, sustainable mobility solutions, the company is aligning its strategy with environmental and social issues, and helping to change the world.

Engagements & valeurs Commitments & values
Commitment to sustainable development
Engagements & valeurs Commitments & values
Optimistic ambition based on innovation

Constantly pushing back the limits of what is feasible means opening up new avenues to create innovative projects. We design our products and services with a view to constant improvement, transforming a problem into a lasting solution. We cultivate difference and diversity, with the aim of perpetuating our know-how and safeguarding jobs in our region. To pursue our growth, we aim for excellence and profitability.