The Albigensian company SAFRA awarded !

BUSINOVA: sustainable mobility in the spotlight

Following a first selection from nearly 300 applications and the evaluation of the projects by a jury of professionals, the Foundation has just awarded a prize to Safra. The company, based in Albi, is the winner in the “Merchant Company” category for its Businova project.

Businova, a new generation urban transport vehicle, was awarded for its technical, economic and ecological performance, which makes it the most innovative bus on its market. “The Businova concept was born out of the desire to create a bus that is not only more environmentally friendly, but also as operational as possible,” explains Vincent Lemaire, President of Safra.

The dynamism of the territories in the honor of this 8th edition

Created at the initiative of the MMA Foundation of Entrepreneurs of the Future, the Grand Prix des Bonnes Nouvelles des Territoires has been rewarding the most innovative initiatives for 10 years. This year, 13 initiatives were awarded at the 2017 Grand Prix des Bonnes Nouvelles des Territoires ceremony held at ESCP Europe in Paris.
“Highlighting local economic and social initiatives that help restore confidence in the future and energize territories is what the Grand Prix des Bonnes Nouvelles des Territoires is all about. These awards are aimed at today’s companies that are preparing for tomorrow, whether they are new or already well established,” said Hervé Frapsauce, President of the MMA Foundation for Entrepreneurs of the Future.
Each year, initiatives are selected by a jury of experts based on

their impact in economic, social and environmental terms ;
their contribution to efficiency: how to do more and better by spending less;
their contribution to local life, social cohesion and solidarity.

The awards, ranging from €1,000 to €5,000, are given in three categories: commercial enterprise, social and solidarity enterprise, and territorial ecosystems.
The Grand Prix des Bonnes Nouvelles des Territoires benefits from the support of leading networks involved in entrepreneurship throughout France, which make up the jury: Réseau Entreprendre, Initiative France, Agence France Entrepreneur, MEDEF, CGPME, AVISE, BGE, CCI France, France Active, ARDAN, Solidarités nouvelles face au chômage, Entrepreneurs du monde, Union des Couveuses, FCE France…, as well as scientific and media partnerships.

Businova, a new generation urban transport vehicle, has been rewarded for its technical, economic and ecological performance, making it the most innovative bus on its market. “The Businova concept was born out of the desire to create a bus that is not only more environmentally friendly, but also as operational as possible,” explains Vincent Lemaire, President of Safra.


SAFRA was created in 1955, and its first vocation was the bodywork of coaches on cab chassis. The evolution of the market with the strong growth of the urban transport networks in the 70’s made that the company progressively turned to the bus. Safra is now specialized in the renovation and maintenance of all types of urban transport equipment.

About the MMA Foundation for Entrepreneurs of the Future

The MMA Entrepreneurs of the Future Corporate Foundation is a “Do tank”, created in 2015, whose ambition is to support and encourage initiatives, innovation and the ability of entrepreneurs to take advantage of demographic, environmental, digital, technological and sociological changes. The Foundation implements concrete actions to support the entrepreneurs of the future, in line with MMA’s values: proximity, optimism, confidence, dynamism…