World Earth Day 2023

On the eve of World Earth Day, we couldn’t help but talk about our planet 🌎!

Since 1970, World Earth Day has aimed to raise awareness about the environment and the impact of man on our planet. Since 2005, UNESCO has been alerting on human activities that have strongly modified ecosystems to satisfy a growing demand for food, fresh water, wood, fiber and energy… an irreversible degradation with disastrous consequences since the well-being of man is threatened within forty years.

It is important to recognize the damage we are doing, but finding solutions to limit their impact is essential. This is what the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) is doing, analyzing the consequences of man on climate change, and recommending different actions to limit this warming through several reports.

In the 6th report, published last month, the scientists make a complete inventory of the impacts on our planet, and list all the possible solutions to limit the warming to 1.5°C or 2°C. The graphic designer Marie Hamida has illustrated it perfectly in this visual and playful board that we republish here. It allows us to see that in the recommended solutions, transportation must switch to zero emission and that hydrogen is one of the solutions.

As a visionary, we integrated this solution several years ago at SAFRA, and it makes sense today. Our mission is a virtuous one, to decarbonize mobility. We, TEAM SAFRA, are proud to work in this company committed to the planet, and its inhabitants. 💚

journée de la terre - GIEC 2023