Mobility Weak at SAFRA

Safra is taking advantage of European Mobility Week, which takes place from September 16 to 22, 2013, to promote alternative modes of transportation to the use of individual cars within the company. Each day of the week, an internal communication campaign will highlight a means of transport to be adopted within the company or for home-work journeys. On Monday, September 16, from noon to 2 p.m., the Communauté d’Agglomération de l’Albigeois and the TarnBus network will be present for a discussion and information session for company employees on the various public transport solutions available.

Thanks to one of its activities, the renovation of urban transport equipment, SAFRA is regularly sensitized on the subject of “mobility”. If the majority of the actions within the framework of the European Mobility Week are realized by the municipalities, some companies also take part in this campaign.

The aim of the European Mobility Week is to have a lasting influence on the solution of mobility and urban transport problems and to improve the health and quality of life of Europeans. The stated objectives of the week are

  • reducing greenhouse gas emissions, pollution and nuisances
  • changing travel behavior

While objective number 1 is an integral part of the innovative Businova project (the first multi-hybrid electric vehicle in the world, built by SAFRA), SAFRA’s communication actions during this mobility week will focus on objective number 2: to encourage employees to change their transportation habits.

Indeed, nearly 90% of SAFRA employees come to work every day with their car, and use it alone! This is slightly higher than the national average, which is 80%. With such an observation, it is therefore essential to change habits by helping employees to discover the other possibilities available to them. On Monday, September 16, between 12:00 and 14:00, an animation on these modes of transport will be proposed to employees, with the participation of the Communauté d’agglomération de l’Albigeois, and the TarnBus network. A discussion space will be set up with these privileged interlocutors who will be able to advise and find alternative solutions to the home-work trips of interested employees. At their disposal, all the information on the urban transport networks, the bus lines in the Tarn, all the brochures concerning carpooling, and other modes of transport. Each employee will be able to fill in a request for a transport card on the spot, or to find the coordinates of a possible “co-carriage” belonging to the company. SAFRA is also offering each employee a round trip bus ticket to use on the Albigensian network during the mobility week, as well as a ticket on the TarnBus network.