SAFRA, on the road to growth

The Albigensian SME SAFRA, the national leader in the urban transport equipment renovation market, has just won new contracts. The diversification into rail transport, which began in 2002, is bearing fruit as the order book is filling up for the coming years.

From the renovation of the Marseille metro...

After the Lyon metro, it is the Marseille metro that is being renovated in SAFRA’s workshops.

Indeed, the company’s know-how has once again been rewarded with the award of this new public contract by the RTM, the Marseille Transport Authority. The contract concerns the major technical overhaul of the 21 trains that equip the Marseilles network and date back to 1980.

The renovation work, which will last three years, will begin in September and will cover

  • renovation of the ceilings, compartments, driver’s cabins, seats, floorboards, floor mats, wheels, bogies,…
  • painting of the bodywork
  • installation of interior/exterior signage

This is a substantial market of 12,000,000 euros and for which SAFRA is involving several subcontractors.

The first four cars are currently in the workshop. The operations of defilming, sanding and dismantling of the bogies have already begun. the restoration of historical trains

SAFRA has recently extended its know-how to tourist and historical trains with the renovation of the double-decker carriage of the Ecomusée d’Alsace, classified as a Historic Monument, and of the Saint-Etienne tramway, both dating from 1930.

SAFRA now has a new reference in this field with the refurbishment of the La Mure train, whose M19 car will arrive in our workshops in November.

The missions entrusted to SAFRA for this new market are

  • the treatment of the chassis
  • the replacement of the bays by opening bays
  • the repair of the roof
  • the complete revision of the frames

SAFRA demonstrates its ability to treat recent and old materials.

...and always the buses

SAFRA is more than ever present on the bus renovation market, its core business.

Currently in the workshop, the buses of the networks of Montpellier, Beauvais and Rennes. Also, the development of a baby bus for the Communauté d’Agglomération de Terre des deux caps.

The company’s skills in engineering, design and quality are mobilized to handle all these markets.

In order to further structure the teams and in response to the recent contracts won, recruitments in engineering, purchasing and production have been launched.