SAFRA organizes its Businova peer-sponsorship evening with Yann Arthus-Bertrand

Safra is organizing the Businova sponsorship evening on April 24th, with the exceptional presence of Yann Arthus-Bertrand, sponsor of the multi-hybrid electric vehicle built by the Albi-based company. This evening, which will take place at the Grand Théâtre d’Albi, will be an opportunity for the company to bring together 900 people, and to allow the people of Albi to benefit from the presence of this exemplary personality around a subject of the future.

On Thursday, April 24, the film “Planet Ocean” will be screened in the Great Hall, followed by a conference-debate with Yann Arthus-Bertrand. Before that, from 6:00 pm, the Businova will be on display on the forecourt so that everyone can discover this vehicle that has seduced this emblematic sponsor. In total, no less than 900 people will participate in this exceptional evening, and will witness the signing of a historic sponsorship agreement. To close the event, a signing session will be proposed in the reception hall where the books of the GoodPlanet foundation will be offered for sale. This evening organized by SAFRA, in partnership with the city of Albi, promises to be rich in discovery and emotion.

Secondly, SAFRA is organizing an “eco-college morning” on Friday, April 25th, bringing together more than 400 students from 9 “eco-colleges” of the Tarn who have responded to the invitation. In partnership with the Department, SAFRA will allow these students to attend an event that meets the awareness program on sustainable development that they are currently following. Yann Arthus-Bertrand, who is very attentive to this generation, accompanied by the director of the Ocean program, will come and answer questions from the students after the screening.

SAFRA’s Businova project is a response to current and future environmental issues by proposing an eco-responsible vehicle. As an important economic player in the department, such a project will allow the company to develop employment and promote the integration of young people in future professions. Finally, SAFRA has also been playing its role as an ambassador for the Albigensian region for many years, thanks to actions and events aimed at making the region known to its partners and clients. This evening of sponsorship is part of this framework, and officially launches this partnership for many years.