Visit from the Prefect of the Tarn, Michel Vilbois

The new Prefect of the Tarn, Michel Vilbois, kicks off his new term of office with a visit to industry in the Tarn.

He visited SAFRA on Tuesday November 7, accompanied by Michel Bossi, President of the Tarn Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and Déborah Bichard Breaud, Director of the DDETSPP.

Vincent Lemaire, President of SAFRA, took the opportunity of this first visit to talk about the expansion project planned to support the company’s increased production rate, and to raise the awareness of government departments about the many challenges facing our business.

A tour of the workshops then enabled Mr. Préfet to discover all the products and services produced by the company, in connection with the decarbonization of passenger transport, around hydrogen.

“Hydrogen is highly relevant for captive fleets such as urban and interurban vehicles, for which it is easy to deploy a local hydrogen distribution unit, with or without a local production unit”, explained SAFRA Managing Director Stéphane Prin.

The Prefect was particularly interested in these discussions, and expressed his readiness to support the company whenever necessary.

Visite du Préfet du Tarn, Michel Vilbois
Visite du Préfet du Tarn, Michel Vilbois