SAFRA participates in the Hydrogen Days in the territories

Stand SAFRA aux Journées Hydrogènes 2021

SAFRA, the French manufacturer of hydrogen buses, will participate in the 8th edition of the Hydrogen Days in the territories, which is being held at the KURSAAL in Dunkirk, from September 8 to 10. This is an opportunity for the company to highlight the hydrogen Businova, but also to talk about the H2 retrofit project.

The Hydrogen Days in the territories, organized by France Hydrogène (ex Aphypac), as well as various local private and public actors, allow to gather the actors of the hydrogen sector and the representatives of the communities during 2 days of meetings and exchanges around the deployment of hydrogen in France. The third day is dedicated to visits of different sites and companies of the region, involved in the hydrogen sector, including the SMTAG which will make discover its H2 station and its fleet of hydrogen buses supplied by SAFRA.

For SAFRA, this participation allows the company to promote its activity SAFRA Constructeur, precursor in the manufacture of hydrogen buses in France, developed under the brand BUSINOVA ®. Since its first commercialization, the Businova ® hydrogen bus has been widely developed in France, representing more than 60% of the French registered fleet, with 17 vehicles currently in circulation: Artois-Gohelle, Le Mans, Versailles and now Auxerre. The Businova H2 is also included in the catalogs of two French central purchasing agencies: the UGAP and the CATP.

The company also announces a new skill within its SAFRA Renovation activity, with the retrofit of diesel coaches in the Occitanie region. Indeed, 15 coaches belonging to the region’s fleet will be transformed in SAFRA’s workshops towards a more virtuous motorization, by replacing the engine, the gearbox and the exhaust by a hydrogen system. This first project will allow the company to pool the skills used on the Businova H2, and to add another string to its bow by developing a new service in its catalog, starting in 2023.