SAFRA renovates 74 tramway trains for Bordeaux Métropole

In order to have a homogeneous fleet of trams offering the same quality of service to passengers, Bordeaux Metropole entrusted SAFRA with the fitting out of 74 tramway trains. 

Bordeaux Metropole has developed its current tramway network in three different phases. The first 38 streetcars were delivered and put into service in 2003, the next 36 between 2007 and 2009, and the last 26 between 2014 and 2016. The evolution of the interior design between these different phases has enabled the most recent trams to offer users greater comfort, with 10% more space per passenger, as well as greater fluidity of movement inside the tram and between the tram and the station platform. 

Two prototype trainsets, 302 and 402, were built in April by the SAFRA Renovation teams. Mr. Duprat, vice-president of Bordeaux Metropole, validated their design and the STRMTG (Service Technique des Remontées Mécanique et des Transports Guidés) validated all the work to be done. The next 72 trainsets will be completed by the end of 2020. 

To carry out this project, SAFRA worked in close collaboration with the teams of Bordeaux Métropole, Keolis and the SOCOTEC group. With this new contract, the SME from Albacete has distinguished itself by its know-how in the modification of the interior design of urban transport equipment.