SAFRA succeeds in its diversification

Within the framework of its activities of upgrading urban passenger transport equipment, SAFRA, Société Albigeoise de Fabrication et Réparation Automobile, has undertaken a new phase of development by diversifying towards the railway market.

To this end, SAFRA has built a workshop with a surface area of 1,200m2 designed to accommodate subway, tramway and train sets.

This workshop, which was completed in February, has just received its first rolling stock: the “MCL 80” rack-and-pinion metro of the Croix Rousse in Lyon.

SAFRA has been selected by the Syndicat Mixte des Transports pour le Rhône et l’Agglomération Lyonnaise (SYTRAL) to renovate the cars of the Lyon metro in order to rejuvenate them and extend their life span. The project involves

  • painting the interior and exterior of the structure
  • checking and repairing the body structures
  • replacing the floors and carpets
  • completely renovate the saddlery
  • upgrading the electricity, the tires, the connectivity, the ergonomics of the driving position…

The workshop has also just received a two-storey car, classified as a historical monument, dating from the 1930’s, belonging to the Ecomusée d’Alsace, whose mission is the conservation of heritage.

With these two new references, SAFRA demonstrates its capacity to treat recent and old vehicles. It is a key player in the field of renovation of urban passenger transport equipment.